NDC Left Ghc 1.56bn Debt In Road Sector – Govt

Kwasi Amoako-Attah

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has revealed that the erstwhile NDC administration left a total of Ghc 1.56 billion in the road sector upon leaving office in 2017.

Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Attah, made this known at the Information Ministry’s Nation Building Updates (NBU) on Thursday, November 12, 2020, in Accra under the theme: “Rebuilding Ghana’s Road Network.”

According to him, when NPP took over in 2017, there were a total of 78, 400km of roads.

He stated that paved roads at the time was 23% and unpaved 77%.

He added that good road network as at the time NPP took over was 39%; fair 32% and poor road network 29%.

He stated that road contracts awarded as at January 2017 totaled Ghc 17.2 billion and cost to complete was Ghc 12 billion.

According to him, the road fund revenue was mortgaged for a loan of Ghc 1.3 billion from the United Bank for Africa at an interest rate of 32%.


By Melvin Tarlue