NDC Members Defect To NPP In Atiwa East


Members of the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC numbering about 50 have defected to the New Patriotic Party, NPP in the Atiwa East Constituency of the Eastern Region.

The staunch NDC members from the Ahankrasu community in the Constituency, openly declared their intention to join the ruling party during the inauguration of the Atiwa East NPP Constituency campaign team for the 2024 elections, held at Anyinam.

Subsequently, the NDC members were given T-shirts that have the embossement of the Atiwa East Member of Parliament, Abena Osei- Asare and the party’s Presidential Candidate, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to wear and declare to join the NPP henceforth.

Earlier before the campaign launch, clad in party paraphernalia, amid brass band music, the MP, Abena Osei Asare led supporters through the streets of Anyinam in a celebratory march to the inaugural venue, with singing and dancing.

The event marks the start of an energetic push to secure another term for the NPP, famously referred to as “breaking the 8,” symbolizing the party’s aim to remain in power beyond the usual two-term limit.

The Minister of State in charge of Finance at the Ministry of Finance and MP for Atiwa East, Abena Osei-Asare, thereafter led the dignitries at the event to officially welcome them to the ruling NPP.

Addressing the party members at the Anyinam Presby Park, she urged them and sympathizers of the NPP to avoid “skirt and blouse” voting in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

The MP further emphasized that “breaking the 8” is a formidable task that requires more than just a slogan—it demands hard work and unity.

She expressed optimism about the party’s chances if they remain cohesive, noting that their performance in various sectors alone would not guarantee victory.

The Eastern Regional Secretary of NPP, Tony Osei-Adjei on behalf of the party, highlighted the party’s united front, which he believes will secure their victory in the December 7th polls.

The Constituency Chairman Albert Nuama, also in his address, confidently predicted that the NPP would secure 80% of the votes in the upcoming elections.

He further called on party members to overcome any lingering divisions from recent primaries and unite for the common goal of electoral success.

At the recent Parliamentary Primaries, one of the candidates, Ernest Adade Wiredu, also pledged his full support for Ms Osei-Asare and urged others to rally behind her for a united effort in the upcoming elections.

The inauguration brought together party executives, supporters, the Council of Elders, patrons, officials, and former parliamentary aspirants.

Traditional and religious leaders also graced the occasion.

-BY Daniel Bampoe

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