New Hybrid Power Plant For North

Fred Oware

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bui Power Authority (BPA), Fred Oware, has hinted of plans to construct a new hybrid power plant in the Northern Region to boost power supply in the country.

The hybrid plant will be situated on a 200-acre land at Carpenter in the Bole District located on the left bank of the Volta River, 12 kilometers from the dam site.

It is expected to add 50 megawatts to the national grid.

According to Mr. Oware, the necessary steps, including compensation of land owners, have been taken to ensure the smooth construction of the plant which will take not less than 12 months to complete.

He further noted that the Authority was almost done with the environmental licensing and authorization from the Energy Commission.

“Once we finish all these in the matter of days, we will start the actual construction,” he added.

Mr Oware explained that the hybrid plant, upon construction, will generate power using both sun (solar) and water (hydro).

“Therefore when we cannot use the sun to generate power due to natural happenings, we will use the water which is the hydro,” he added.

He said currently the water level in the Bui Dam had risen to about 174.64 from 168 and expressed the hope that the torrential rains will help raise the water level in the reservoir to sustain the hydro power generation.

The CEO of Bui Power further observed that the Authority would be looking at other hydro sources of power generation to boost power generation of the country.

He said the Authority was currently studying rivers in both the Central and Western regions to ascertain whether a 50 to 60 megawatt hydro plant could be constructed.

“Once the studies are done, we will be looking for other investors from the private sector to join us on PPP or BOT basis,” he said.

Mr. Oware disclosed this after the Deputy Minister of Energy in-charge of Power, William Owuraku Aidoo inaugurated the Bui Power Authority Board in Accra.

The board members are Ambassador Afare Apeadu Donkor, Fred Oware, Alhaji Abubakari Abdul-Rahman, Sylvia Maria Osare, Gabriel Osei, Dr. Adams Sulemana Achanso and Kwaku Bowiansa Abrefa.

They were tasked to exploit the renewable energy resources in the country, among others.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri


