NPP- USA Massachusetts Optimistic Of Victory

Daniel Boakye-Mensah

The Massachusetts Chapter of the New Patriotic Party, USA Branch (NPP-USA), is optimistic that the governing NPP will win the December polls both at the Parliamentary and Presidential levels.

The Chapter’s Chairman, Daniel Boakye-Mensah said the sub-division has in the past three and half years put in place strategies to ensure Ghanaians vote massively to retain the NPP government for another four years.

He said the foremost strategy of the Massachusetts Chapter was to help the party retain power in the upcoming general elections by winning constituencies which are not the strong holds of the party in addition it its safe seats.

He said the Chapter is embarking on projects including purchasing of paraphernalia, and raising money to support the adoption of those constituencies.

“We looked at constituencies which are not our strongholds and we adopt and support them” he said.

The support, according to Chairman Boakye-Mensah, ranges from health screening and free medication, the provision of essential items including boreholes, educational materials for students.

He congratulated hard working Chapter executives, who he said, have worked tirelessly within this four years to ensure that the Chapter’s strategies were smoothly executed.

On the Chapter’s current motivation towards the election which is three months away, he said, “Our camp in Massachusetts is more than motivated as some of our executives are already in Ghana campaigning and working with various campaign teams”.

He disclosed that more people are arranging to come to Ghana to join the campaign and those who cannot be here are supporting financially and materially.

On the Chapter’s expectation after victory is declared in December, Mr. Boakye-Mensah said, “For us in Massachusetts, we would like to see President Akufo-Addo continue the good works in the next four years to deliver good living conditions for every Ghanaian”.

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