Nyantakyi Wins FIFA Polls  

Kwesi Nyantakyi

Ghana FA president Kwesi Nyantakyi secured his second term on the FIFA Council after winning his election in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa yesterday.

The affable leader of the GFA defeated Tanzania’s Leodegar Tenga by securing 33 votes with his opponent getting 20.

The lawyer will serve on the world football’s most powerful body, supervising major changes and reforms to clear the body’s image.

Nyantakyi secures a four-year term on the FIFA Council after spending just six months in office in his previous term on the governing body’s board.

He will serve in office from 2017 to 2021.

Nyantakyi was elected to fill Confederation of African Football seats on the Fifa Council last September and has now secured a fresh mandate.

The election of Nyantakyi and Constant Omari of DR Congo was confirmed yesterday after the pair earned enough votes in a four-candidate contest.

Nyantakyi received 13 more votes than his opponent Tenga, which was decided by the 54 CAF member federation.

