Ofankor Residents Flee After Gas Leaks From A Fallen Tanker

Leaking gas from a fallen taker at Ofankor-White House in Accra on Monday evening, brought back unpleasant memories of the fatal Atomic Junction gas explosion that hit last year.

A tanker which fell off its truck at the area close to the Rev. John Teye Memorial School, completely blocked traffic both the Achimota and Amasaman ends of the busy Accra-Kumasi road.

No lives were lost.

“People in the area fled to safety, I actually saw a fire tender headed for that direction when going home around 7 pm but I didn’t know what was happening…” a resident said.

“Traffic from Amasaman and Nsawam have been diverted,” according to the eyewitness.

Tuesday’s bumper-to-bumper traffic from the Ofankor Barrier area towards the central business district is expected to lasted for hours as the tanker obstructed the flow of traffic.

Police personnel, however, got to the scene later to have it removed to allow the free flow of traffic.

Atomic junction fire

At least seven people died, with 134 others injured when two blasts following a gas explosion sent a huge fireball into the sky at Atomic Junction last year.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set up a committee made up of stakeholders to probe the tragedy but details of the report are yet to be published — even though the report has been completed.

