Ofosu Ampofo’s Tape Concocted – NDC

Samuel Ofosu Ampofo

THE NATIONAL Democratic Congress (NDC) has noted that the audio recording in which its National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, was heard plotting assassinations, kidnappings and declaring war on the chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa, was doctored.

According to the NDC in a statement issued by its Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi, “the NDC states for the records that the statements and attributions contained on the said tape are concocted and false. They are inconsistent with the character and track record of Chairman Ofosu Ampofo and do not reflect the values he has always stood for. The maliciously depraved and clearly doctored tape has been contrived by some devious elements in the NPP and government to undermine the NDC and its National Chairman.”

NDC accused the NPP and surrogates of being the masterminds of the recording and being behind its circulation.

Mr. Ofosu Ampofo, a National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic has had his reputation come into question after a two-hour explosive audio recording emerged on Tuesday, in which he was heard calling on members of his party to assassinate political opponents of the NDC and carry out kidnappings apparently to create the impression that Ghana was not safe.

However, his party appears to be mounting a spirited defense for him, “the NDC is fully aware of evil and wicked plots by certain elements within National Security and Government to spy on meetings of its officials, record and in turn doctor such recordings for their spiteful ends. Such state-sponsored espionage is dastardly and shameful.”

It said “however, we are not surprised about this act of desperation on the part of the ruling NPP. In the wake of an impending damning expose by ace investigative journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, in which key officials of the Akufo-Addo government have been caught on camera receiving bribes in order to compromise government’s so-called fight against illegal mining, the NDC can understand government’s restless desperation to divert public attention with this rather vile and fraudulent audio recording.”

According to the party, “having said this, The party is currently considering all legal options available to it and will take appropriate steps to halt this phenomenon immediately.”

The statement indicated that “We state without equivocation that the position of the NDC on the matters that have been alleged on the audio is a matter of public record and that, the party does not need to resort to a so called secret meeting to hatch the sardonic plots captured on the fake tapes being circulated.”

It added that “It is quite astonishing to us that, despite compelling evidence of state complicity in the recent state-sponsored violence at the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election, the NPP is still hell-bent on achieving political equalization by seeking to rope the NDC into non-existent culpability. It is obvious to us that the NPP’s Director of Communications, Hon. Yaw Buabeng Asamoah does not know that he is proceeding on a lonely path, and believing in his own lies because the Ghanaian people do not subscribe to his cock and bull narrative relative to the events of Ayawaso West Wuogon.”

BY Melvin Tarlue
