Okere Constituency Makes Strides In Sports

The DCE, Nana Addo-Kenneth


The Okere Constituency of the Eastern Region has made significant progress regarding sports development under the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), according to the District Chief Executive Officer (DCE), who doubles as the parliamentary candidate for the constituency, Daniel Nana Addo-Kenneth.

Mr. Addo-Kenneth explained that the development of sports infrastructure under the current government in the area requires commendation, having embarked on a lot of projects.

Notable among the projects include the construction of an AstroTurf at Adukrom and a sports complex in Abiriw. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to upgrade the Dawu Sports Stadium.

Speaking in an interview with Koforidua-based Bryt FM, the DCE reiterated the government’s commitment to providing adequate infrastructure to improve sports in the area.

Responding to claims that the constituency is far behind in terms of sports infrastructure, he said, “We are committed to sports development. We are ready to provide more infrastructure to aid sports in the constituency. Truth be told, we were far behind in terms of sports development. Thankfully, we have seen massive progress under the workaholic MP, Dan Botwe.

“Indeed, Dan Botwe has given the constituency’s sports development his all. He is the only Member of Parliament who has demonstrated a genuine concern for young people. Phase 1 of the pitch at the Abiriw Sports Complex is almost complete; phase two will then be addressed. The youth’s talent for athletics was the reason the constituents wanted the sports complex; they needed it to raise talents for the nation.”

He added, “You can’t deal with sports without roads and for that reason we’ve constructed and tarred the roads leading to the various stadia in the area.” stated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Daniel Addo-Kenneth has expressed his dissatisfaction with the output of the contractor, saying he should be held accountable for the delay in the completion of the Sports Complex in Abiriw.

Touching on the nature of the Dawu stadium, he added, “The state of Dawu stadium indeed isn’t in a good condition but we’ve written to the owners of the stadium for partnership so we can renovate it and make it a standard stadium. We’ve done our part but we haven’t heard from the owners that’s why we are at a standstill.”

Notwithstanding the setback, Addo-Kenneth assured the people of Abiriw that he would ensure the completion of the project by the end of the year.


BY Daniel Bampoe