On The Path Of Recovery

President Nana Akufo-Addo

Ghana is definitely on the path of recovery and would need the support of her citizens to heal the economic wounds inflicted upon her by the bad management of her economy.

During his campaign trail, the then candidate Nana Akufo-Addo told Ghanaians, whose nod he needed to undertake his programme of reformation and growth for a country he and many others were convinced required such treatment that they should vote for him.

They did because they could not have endorsed more his assurance of a better tomorrow and a Ghana which would work again.

The test for the success of his campaign came in the form of a massive victory at the polls at a time when many, with doubts about the electoral management system, thought it could not go his way. Little did such doubting Thomases know that there comes a time in the history of people when things change.

That change has come and indeed signs of the take-off of the President’s programmes are beginning to manifest.

Ghanaians can no longer be taken for granted as they used to be many years ago.

Former President John Mahama did not get it right when he said at the peak of his political career that his compatriots have short memories.

Perhaps he thought at the time that the old ways could persist.

We have discovered lately that Ghanaians do not have short memories any longer and would deal with any government which takes them for granted, as they did to the previous political administration.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, having witnessed the rise and fall of his predecessor, including the vicissitudes of local politics which he endured for a long period should be the last person to seek to repeat the blunders of yesteryears.

We are convinced beyond doubt that he is best primed to understand the implications of appointing the number of appointees which some think is on the high side.

A President in a hurry and with a plateful of programmes which the opposition think are unfeasible and populist must know what he is doing when he appoints three or so deputy ministers for a ministry.

If he needs a hundred appointees to reverse the sorry state of Ghana’s socio-economic standing so be it.

We find it laughable the charge the opposition is leveling against the president for making so many appointments.

There are so many things to be accomplished and with that many more hands are needed to provide the cruising speed the President requires for his varied agendas.

They would have cause to complain when at the end of his tenure, there is little or nothing to point at in terms of the development contained in the manifesto of his party.

For those who have been nominated and appointed, let them understand the situation they find themselves in.

President Nana Akufo-Addo is eager for results and they must assist him to achieve them.

The expectations have never been so high and so those who are not ready to go with the vision of the President must advise themselves forthwith.
