Osu Klottey Wulormo Urges Calm Over Osu Mantse Post

The Osu Klottey Wulormo, Wor-Lumor Boni Nuumo Noi Osekan Kpenuku, the Osu Paramount Stool Father, Nii Narku Teinor III and elders in council are calling for calm following the demise of the Osu Mantse, Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona V.

According to the Osu chiefs, all stakeholders of Osu Tradition should remain calm as they search for a substantive replacement for the demise Osu Mantse.

In a joint statement, the Osu Wulormo and the Stool father said it is trite knowledge that there is an ‘undestooled’ Osu Mantse in the person of Nii Nortey Owuo III which premised a decade of litigation until the demise of one of the litigants, so there is the need to keep calm to avoid plunging the town into yet another era of litigation.

“It is true that a ‘Chief of Osu’, a Mantse as known by a portion of the public has passed on. We all send our condolences to his family and all relations with all sincerity,” the statement indicated.

“We however call on all stakeholders of Osu Tradition to remain calm but research to seek peace for Osu from the hitherto dichotomized situation that bedeviled Osu from the time the late Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona V supposedly and purportedly ascended the Osu stool,” it said.
The group is also calling on the Inspector General of Police to assist in forestalling any planned lawlessness in Osu.

The statement took an exception to the purported appointment of a certain Mankralo as the acting Osu Mantse, saying that it has no foundation.

Osu, the statement noted “is governed by strict traditional norms and therefore would not allow any person or proud of persons under any guise to change Osu into fresh litigation. We further say that the office of the Klottey Wulormo, the Paramount Stool father and elders in council would not countenance ORDERS from non accredited people to take upon themselves or arrogate to themselves authority that doesn’t lie in their purviews to create chaos in Osu at the demise of Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona V (Osu Mantse)”.

In order to seek peace in Osu we would want the executives of the so called ‘Osu fact finding secretariat’ to know that their “ORDER” to the Mankralo is an act of fomenting trouble in Osu and it is far from sanity”, the statement said.

According to the statement a Mankralo acting as a Mantse in the absence of the sitting Mantse does not come as an act of thaumaturgy, but is promulgated by an accredited Dzase of the Osu State- Kinkawe, Ashante, Anarhor and Alata.

“In the face of the above we solemnly crave the indulgence of all Dzase elders of the various quarters to remain calm as arrangements are underway to bring lasting peace to Osu”, it indicated.

BY Prince Fiifi Yorke
