Painkiller Overdose Kills Boy, 10, At Tema General Hospital

Mother of the deceased, Mabel Senahey

A 10-year-old boy has died after he suffered some complications following the administration of overdose medicine on him at the Tema General Hospital.

A-75 milligram of Naklofen drug administered to him at the Tema General Hospital.

Mother of the deceased, Mabel Senahey, said the doctor had asked for a 50mg of the drug to be given to her son, but the pharmacist changed it.

She told Joy FM Wednesday that when she notified the doctor about the discrepancy, she directed her to give the drug to the son.

But the pharmacist’s prescription proved fatal for the boy who was suffering from a minor pain for which reason he was rushed to the hospital, the mother narrated.

She said the boy complained of heart burns and stomach pains after he took the medicine.

The boy was sweaty all of a sudden but the doctor failed to attend to him when he was brought back to the hospital.

Mrs Senahey stated that her repeated attempts to get the nurses on duty to call in any of the doctors were not fruitful.

The boy writhed in pain on his bed while nurses slept in their chairs, the mother told the reporter.
She said the last request of her son was for her to check the time for him and that he was going.

“Mummy I said take your phone and look at the time for me. I want to go but I don’t know where I am going,” she recalled.

The boy died on Sunday at 4:00 am and the mother is blaming the negligence of doctors at the hospital for the tragic incident.

Family members who took the boy’s body to another hospital for a post-mortem on Tuesday said they saw blood oozing from the deceased nose and ears.

The mother is demanding some answers from the hospital. She wants to know why the doctors on duty at the time of the tragedy failed to attend to her son when he cried for help.


But Joy News has gathered doctors and management of the hospital have decided for investigations.

The Medical Director of the Tema General Hospital, Dr Kwabena Opoku-Adusei, said investigations will be conducted into the cause of death.

Meanwhile, Joy FM checks at the hospital have revealed the 75mg of the Naklofen drug is not ideal for a 10-year-old boy.

Some attendants at the Tema General Hospital pharmacy told the reporter that the content of the medicine is rather good for adults and not children.


Meanwhile, a private legal practitioner, Christian Malm-Hesse, is seeking justice for the family of the boy.

Christian Malm-Hesse wants an autopsy to be done first to ascertain the true cause of death even before a suit can be set in motion.

He was speaking to Joy News on Thursday.

Christian Malm-Hesse says he has been contacted to support the family to seek justice.

He said a number of tests will be conducted to ascertain whether the right procedures were adopted by hospital authorities.

