‘Pentecost Experience’ Concert Slated For Oct. 8

This year’s edition of the ‘Pentecost Experience’ musical concert is set for Sunday, October 8 at the Trinity Baptist Church (Oasis House) opposite UPSA campus, Madina in Accra at 4:00pm.

The praises and worship concert, which is an annual gospel event being organised to thank God for the mercies and kindness He continues to shower on His people,  is also designed to promote quality worship and praise to the Almighty God among generations today.

The primary aim of ‘Pentecost Experience’ concert, according to the organisers, Tino Manford Ministries, is to evangelise through music and “uplifting souls and bringing happiness to people.”

The concert which is under the theme ‘His Presence’ will showcase spectacular live musical performances from seasoned and anointed gospel stars like KODA, Jersurun Okyere, Pastor Quame Gyedu, Minister Paolo, Tino Manford (host), Pastor Emmit Jim Kunadu and Minister Albert Quansah.

They are expected to thrill their various music fans with their praise and worship songs.

To ensure a concert of a lifetime, organisers are promising that the 1000-seater capacity Trinity Baptist Church, venue for the concert on October 8, will be well-prepared to provide the best of entertainment on the night.

The event is being carefully managed to harness the excellence of content and spread of space for a totally fulfilling experience for attendees, organisers mentioned.

By George Clifford Owusu