Presbyterian Church Assesses Role Of Christianity

Rev Dr. Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong And Prof. Mrs Ivy Drafor – Amenyah

As part of Ghana’s 60th independence anniversary and the Silver Jubilee (25th anniversary) celebration of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG), Faith Congregation, Madina Estates in Accra, a forum titled, ‘After 60 years of independence, has Christianity lived up to its expectations?’ will be held on Sunday, January 14, 2018, during the forenoon service.

Chairman for the forum is Rev Dr Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong, General Secretary, Christian Council of Ghana.

Other speakers are Rev Prof. Mrs. Ivy Drafor-Amenyah, Dean of Social Studies, Methodist University; Rev. Dr. Brandford Yeboah, Lecturer, Department of Religions, University of Ghana; Dr. Stephen Baafour Adjei, Lecturer, University of Education, Winneba and Enimil Ashun, Media Consultant.

The forum is aimed at examining the role played by churches since Ghana’s independence in 1957 and to find out what pro-active methods can be adopted to move the Christian Churches forward.

According to the Chairman of the Publicity Committee of the Silver Jubilee of Faith Congregation, GBK Owusu, Christianity, which is a religion of righteousness, has been contaminated with falsehood by some Christians; and the forum will look at the best way to restore it to God’s ways.

By Peter Atiemo
