Prince Edward Arrives In Ghana

His Royal Highness Prince Edward

His Royal Highness Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex and Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, arrived in Ghana on Monday, 29 October 2018 to participate in this year’s Duke of Edinburgh’s International award ceremony to be held in the West African country.

He was met on arrival by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Kwame Asiamah.

Prince Edward praised the government of Ghana for its democratic credentials and urged the country to continue to ensure the development of the country.

He assured the minister that the UK would continue to relate well with Ghana and its people.

For his part, Mr Asiamah thanked the UK government for its support to Ghana.

He promised that the government of Ghana would continue to promote the growth of the youth in the country.

He also assured his guests that this year’s award ceremony would be organised very well.

Present at the airport to welcome Prince Edward and his team were officials from the UK High Commission, officials of the government of Ghana, and the organisers of the award ceremony.

