Prophet Atarah Preaches Hope In ‘Believe’

Prophet’, Joseph Atarah


Ghana’s ‘Singing Prophet’, Joseph Atarah, is preaching a message of hope in his new song dubbed, ‘Believe’.

The song, produced by renowned sound engineer, Kaywa, is full of hope and motivation for the oppressed.

According to the leader of Believers Grace Crown Ministry International, Prophet Joseph Atarah, the song is to encourage music lovers to keep faith in God regardless of their circumstances.

He explained that at times, life’s circumstances get tough to the extent that believers lose hope in God because of situations they find themselves.

However, Prophet Atarah said these difficult moments are only to test the faith of people, and if they are able to withstand, things would be turned around. He said that with strong belief and steadfast fasting, everything is possible in life.

The award-winning gospel musician urged music lovers to share the message in the song with others.