Public Servants Benefit From Training

Public Servants in the Republic Of Korea

A total of 15 persons from various governmental institutions are participating in a two-week invitational capacity building workshop in the Republic of Korea.

The invitational training is part of a project designed to develop the capacity of Farmer-Based Cooperatives and Organizations (FBCs/ FBOs) in Northern Ghana.

The project is being implemented by the Korea International Cooperation Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) and the Department of Cooperatives in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions.

The FBC/FBO project, which is aimed at improving the lives of rural farmers in the target regions, comprises six major components to be implemented over a three-year period.

The components are Cooperative Policy Advisory, Training of Trainers (TOT), Training of FBC/FBO leaders (TOL), Invitational Training in Korea, Networking and Marketing Support, and Pilot Projects.

Participants for the training were drawn from MELR, Department of Cooperatives, Ghana Cooperative College and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

The training, which is the first in a series of three invitational trainings, is fully funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea.

The participants are learning Korea’s experience in cooperative development and would make action plans to be implemented in their home country.

They are expected to transfer the knowledge acquired to farmer groups and their colleagues upon their return to Ghana.

From Eric Kombat, Tamale




