Quiz Mistress Recovers Purse

Dr. Elsie Effah Kauffman

The National Science Maths Quiz mistress, Dr. Elsie Effah Kauffman, has recovered her purse that was among other valuables in her handbag that was stolen during the finals of the quiz competition.

Belinda Yaa Dankwaa Effah, in a Facebook post Saturday said the Quiz Mistress’s purse was dropped at the University of Ghana, where she is a lecturer.

 “Update from NSMQ Mistress’ stolen bag: Wallet /purse inside the bag has been dropped at the University of Ghana,” Ms Effah posted on Facebook.

She added: “Dr. Elsie Effah Kaufmann thanks whoever came to drop off the purse. She says she needs to have a perfect score so the bag also has to be dropped. The purse has her IDs, driver’s license and ATM cards. The cash is gone.”

The bag contained her valuables including her phone, workplace ID cards, her car and home keys.

It is unclear if closed circuit television footage of the stage is available to help track the thief/thieves.


