Rain Washes Off Kalbeo Bridge

Sections of the Kalbeo bridge that has been washed away

Residents of Kalbeo in the Bolgatanga Municipality in the Upper East Region are in trouble as their dilapidated bridge has finally broken down, following a recent downpour. 

The residents of the community, which is closer to Bolgatanga, now have to use a long route to get to town because the link bridge has been washed off. The thought of walking through a longer route for over an hour to get to major markets in the Bolgatanga Municipality, instead of crossing the bridge to get to the markets in less than 30 minutes, is for them – a nightmare.

A resident told the DAILY GUIDE, “We have been cut off and we don’t know when they will come and finish this bridge. Before the bridge collapsed, we spent less time in getting to town to buy our goods and even sell our farm produce and our farm animals. Now we have to go round before we reach town. It will increase the cost of transporting our items.”

