Residents Set Fire On Donkokrom Police Station

Residents of Donkokrom in the Eastern Region have set ablaze the police station and barracks in the town to protest the escape of two alleged armed robbers who attacked a bullion van Tuesday and killed one person. About 30 police officers at the station and the barracks who have been overpowered by the residents are fleeing for their lives as they fire warning shots into the air to scare the angry residents, 3News can confirm. “All the youth are fighting with the Police now. They [Police] had to ran away because they have no tear-gas to use in dispersing the crowd which is stoning the officers,” our correspondent confirmed. Eight cars are said to have been set ablaze by the residents. First responders from the Ghana National Fire Service have been prevented from having access to the station to extinguish the fire which is said to have been started with gallons of petrol. National Public Relations officer of GNFS, Timothy Osarfo Affum, confirmed to 3News that his officers are unable to get access to the fire scene due to the aggressive nature of the residents. A Police reinforcement has been requested to bring the situation under control.

