Restoring Normalcy In Dagbon

There is no alternative to peace in Dagbon because instability in this part of the country is a major national security challenge which must be tackled headlong.

It is in this direction that we salute the President’s call for peace in Dagbon which in his own words is necessary for national stability.

No politician worth his salt would want to stoke fire in a country they manage. Unless such politicians are not only devious but could not care the less about the state of the nation they survey. It is our wish that those who match the latter description would have realized their folly and changed their ways so that together we can restore normalcy in Dagbon so development can proceed in earnest.

We have over the years witnessed some politicians whose parochial political interests drove them into taking some decisions and actions all of which culminated in hatching the challenges we have had to contain in Dagbon; the cost of maintaining peace being a major constraint in the whole maze. These are times when there is no time to spare about the forward march of all parts of the country.

Nobody should be spared the rod who would stand in the way of restoring normalcy in our dear Dagbon or any part of the country for that matter.

Efforts are being made by some elites from this part of the country towards burying the hatchet for good for which they deserve commendation and support especially since they cut across the divide. For the few who still prefer causing confusion, the earlier they understood that they have no place in the new Dagbon and Ghana the better it would be for them.

The free SHS and other development-oriented policies which have been introduced must be accepted by all so that our country can be returned to the path of progress after a long period of stagnation.

Elders of Dagbon, the time is now for all to bury the hatchet and embrace peace, a lasting peace for therein lies the path to progress and a bright future for successive generations.

Let us turn them away who continue on the old tangent of blood-letting which would take us to nowhere because after all we are one people with a common destiny.

So much water has passed under the bridge that a rethink of our old ways would not only be desirable but would ensure that we stay together as brothers and sisters who share same ancestry.

There is nothing to gain from following the same bellicose path but much to gain from departing from it.

Let us seize the moment and assemble the blocks of growth which we need now for Dagbon and Ghana as a whole by not only listening to the President’s good counsel but working towards its realization by all means presto.


