Rigworld Gives To Axim Gov’t Hospital

Felicia Opoku-Folitse

Rigworld Training Centre, a service provider to major oil and gas companies operating in Ghana, has donated GH¢50,000 towards the renovation of the surgical ward of Axim Government Hospital in the Western Region.

The donation which forms part of the company’s corporate social responsibility has been lauded by the chiefs and people of the ancient fishing community.

The surgical ward has not seen any major renovation for the past thirty years.

It is against this backdrop that the indigenes have been charged to take good care of the facility so that it can serve them on sustainable basis.

The Human Resource Manager of Rigworld Training Centre, Felicia Opoku-Folitse, made the donation on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rigworld, Kofi Abban.

Madam Opoku-Folitse also delivered a speech on behalf of the CEO as part of activities to round off this year’s Kundum Festival of the chiefs and people of Lower Axim.

The two-week celebration which is under the theme ‘promoting quality healthcare for all’ is to raise funds for rehabilitation of the surgical ward.

Mr Abban reiterated that quality healthcare is a basic necessity of life, as well as everybody’s right, including the people of Axim, stressing that his company is concerned with quality healthcare, and was optimistic that the donation would go a long way to achieve that.

He added that the company is committed to corporate social responsibility and public-private partnership in social development.

Again, he mentioned that Rigworld considers itself as part of the front line in communities where oil and gas are produced and espouses a positive and lasting contribution to economic and social investment in such communities.

Gifty Eugenia Kusi, Deputy Western Regional Minister, added that President Akufo-Addo was bent on improving the nation’s healthcare delivery system and had started clearing the debt in the National Health Insurance Scheme left behind by the erstwhile NDC government.

She appealed to the chiefs to abolish certain obnoxious practices in their various jurisdictions which impede progress and also infringe on human right and dignity.

The Omanhene of Lower Axim, Awulae Attibrukusu III, commended the president for the recent honour done George Alfred Grant, an illustrious son of Nzema, for his role in the nation’s struggle for independence.

He appealed to the government to construct a sea defence wall and a landing beach which has been on the drawing board for many years for the fisher folks.

The Omanhene also called on the government to reconstruct the Axim town roads.


