Spare Us The Cacophony

For the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) every available opportunity coming their way is fair game.

Be they sensible or not, these must be exploited for political leverage at such difficult times of a deafening free SHS. Unfortunately the so-called chances have only ended up embarrassing the party to a large measure.

Still reeling from the moral injury they suffered after toying with the free  SHS hurricane in their futile project to demonise it they have jumped into the founder of Ghana fray, if there is one single person to have done so and whether others who even started the struggle before Kwame Nkrumah be rendered national recognition.

We find the stoking of the fire of the founders day debacle as unnecessary as playing cheap politics and simply throwing dust into the eyes of gullible Ghanaians especially into the waiting arms of politically emaciated Convention People’s Party (CPP).

On 21st September 2017, a despicable picture was presented in the streets of Accra; one which bore the trappings of the demonstration orgainsed in New York against the man who within eight months of becoming President has made good a critical component of his party manifesto-‘free SHS.’ Rather than providing impetus for the grumbling CPP, the NDC used the unnecessary protest march to express their frustration in opposition even as they pretended to be solidarising with the former.

NDC’s frustration these past few weeks could land the party in further irrecoverable face-loss at a time when it should be at the drawing board learning valuable lessons from the Kwesi Botchwey Report on why the party lost the polls.

We are disheartened that the dismembered CPP would allow themselves to be infected with the NDC electoral virus. The show-boy’s party, we mean Kwame Nkrumah, almost non-existent electorally should not have allowed the NDC to hijack their birthday party.

The cost of doing so is expensive and would keep them further pinned down. Perhaps if they had organised the forum devoid of financial and material support from the infected NDC, things would not have degenerated to the level they have after the insulting and mendacious discourses about Ghana’s history.

The presence of leading members of the opposition NDC was obscene and intended to muddy the waters after all the efforts at misrepresenting the President’s proposals. Their description of the proposals as efforts at misrepresenting the country’s history is unfortunate and sad.

To consider the attainment of our independence as a result of a lone man’s efforts is the most laughable suggestion – the source of which is fit to be shamed on the public space for the mendacity.

The further polarization of the country which the unnecessary debate is prompting is the handiwork of the NDC and must be condemned by all well-meaning Ghanaians.

We have too many holidays already and would rather our legislators when they assemble to consider the President’s proposals regarding the additional holiday integrate the two. That is in our national interest.

The NDC would play the subject over and over again even as it is detrimental to the national interest. That is their stock-in-trade.
