Speaker Recalls MPs

Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye

Parliament is resuming sitting of the first meeting of the fourth session Thursday after suspension on April 17, 2020.

A statement signed by Parliament’s Director of Public Affairs, Kate Addo said Speaker Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye has directed that the House, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, would resume at 10 o’clock tomorrow forenoon.

The statement indicated that the sitting, would among other things, consider waiving VAT on donations of stock of equipment and goods for fighting the COVlD-l9 pandemic.

This will permit the deduction of contributions and donations towards COVID-l9 as allowable expense for tax purposes and extend the due date for filing of taxes from four months to six months after the end of the basis year.

“All Honourable Members are entreated to take note and attend upon the House timeously,” the statement said.

By Ernest Kofi Adu