Student Assaulted By Assistant Headmaster Sparks Outrage at Nkwatia Presby SHS


An assault inflicted on a student has sent shockwaves through the Nkwatia Presby Senior High School Community in the Kwahu Ridge of the Eastern region.

A female student was allegedly assaulted by the Assistant Headmaster in charge of academics of the Nkwatia Presby SHS.

The incident occurred when the student reportedly went to town without an exeat, but it later emerged that she had actually obtained permission.

Concerns have been raised regarding the school’s handling of the incident, as the authorities are accused of attempting to cover up the incident.

According to eyewitnesses, the student was reportedly slapped and physically beaten by the Assistant Headmaster, who mistook her for a school rule violator.

The assault took place in front of other students, leaving the victim traumatized and injured. The severity of the attack resulted in the student suffering from an eye injury, which has left her at risk of losing her eyesight.

Disturbingly, it has been alleged that the school administration failed to provide adequate medical attention to the injured student.

Despite the severity of her injuries, she was only given Paracetamol to alleviate the pain.

As a result, the student’s family decided to seek further medical treatment for her at home.

The incident has triggered widespread outrage among students, parents, and members of the local community. Concerns about the safety and well-being of students at Nkwatia Presby Senior High School have been raised, with demands for a thorough investigation into the incident and appropriate action against the Assistant Headmaster.

The school authorities have come under fire for their alleged attempts to cover up the incident. Critics argue that such actions undermine the trust and confidence parents have in the school’s ability to ensure the safety and welfare of their children.
Calls for transparency and accountability from the school administration are growing louder.

Local education officials have been made aware of the incident and have vowed to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the facts surrounding the assault. The Assistant Headmaster in question has been temporarily suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.

The student and her family are receiving support from concerned individuals and organizations, who have expressed their solidarity and offered assistance. They are also exploring legal options to seek justice for the victim and hold those responsible accountable.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and nurturing environment in educational institutions. It is hoped that the investigation will shed light on the incident and lead to necessary reforms to prevent such acts of violence from occurring in the future.

As the community awaits the outcome of the investigation, there is a collective hope that justice will be served and that steps will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of all students at Nkwatia Presby Senior High School.

By Vincent Kubi