Suhum NPP Condemned NDC Attack On EC

THE New Patriotic Party branch in the Suhum Constituency of the Eastern Region has condemned the unmerited attack on the Electoral Commission (EC) on Thursday by thugs of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The NDC thugs on Thursday attacked the Suhum EC office staffs during working hours and vandalized the equipment they were using for the ongoing transfer of votes, also taken away their printer.

Due to that the EC on Friday close down it office until further notice leaving voters who stormed there to transfer their votes stranded.

However, the NPP branch who found the attack of the NDC on the EC very unfortunate in a press statement issued and signed by Ayensu Stephen, communication Director, Ernest Lartey, Constituency secretary, Osei Daniel and Albert Opare as members has condemned the attacked.

The NDC as reported also took away several documents and materials belonging to the Suhum EC.

According to the NPP, the NDC did that to cow the EC to have thousands of unqualified voters or persons transfer their votes into the Suhum Constituency to favour them in the December polls was turned down by the ever committed and competent staff of the Suhum EC led by Mr. Walanyor Mensah.

“We say a big thank you to Mr. Walanyor and his team of officers for their patriotism and resolution to ensure that the electoral laws of the land are respected and obeyed by all for the conduct of free and fair elections. We will like to beseech our colleagues in the NDC that they should cease their attacks on the EC and political opponents for peace to prevail in the Suhum Constituency before, during and after the December elections. Violence and aggression towards the EC and political opponents are counter productive and must therefore not be the way forward” the party positioned.

The NPP also expressed their outmost displeasure on the part played by the MCE of Suhum, Hon. Margaret Ansei who doubles as the parliamentary candidate of the NDC in this whole brouhaha, added that, they witnessed the part the MCE played in shielding the EC attackers from police arrest to answer for their crime.

“She frustrated the police from carrying out their core mandate of ensuring that criminals are put where they deserve to ensure public peace and security. The Hon. MCE housed these criminals in her official residence and prevented the police from reaching them. We are so much disappointed in her and wish to state emphatically that she is a big disgrace to the office she occupies”.

“We therefore call on the president of the republic to relieve her of her office since she has now become a threat to public peace and security. The good people of Suhum deserve a better MCE in order to enjoy the peace and security we used to enjoy over the years before her reign” the statement added.

The NPP however are calling on the Suhum EC to continue the good work they are doing in ensuring that only eligible voters get their votes transfer into the constituency, and also calling on the Suhum police commander and his team to ensure that there is equality before the law in the Suhum Constituency.

” Finally we will like to ensure the general public, particularly Suhum electorates that the Suhum NPP Constituency executives have put enough measures in place to ensure that their votes are protected in the December elections” the NPP underscored.

FROM Daniel Bampoe, Suhum

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