Taifa Polyclinic Screens Residents

Some of the residents at the screening exercise

Taifa Polyclinic, a health service facility in the Ga West Municipality, has organised a medical screening for residents in its suburb.

The exercise, held at the Taifa market, was part of the activities towards the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the polyclinic.

About 200 residents benefitted from the health screening exercise. A team of medical doctors, nurses, dentists and pharmacists were there to facilitate the process.

Speaking with DAILY GUIDE on the sidelines of the exercise, Irene Aryee, deputy director for nursing services of the polyclinic, mentioned that the celebration was aimed at raising funds for the expansion of the clinic’s infrastructure.

She indicated that lack of space is the major challenge because of the increasing number of people in the community, hence the need for expansion.

Madam Aryee added that although the polyclinic was supposed to be a three-storey facility, only the ground floor has been completed so far.

“Currently, one room takes both eye and dental. It is only a screen that separates the ENT from the OPD. Also, children and adults share the same ward. This is why we need to raise funds so that we can increase our infrastructures and get more space for other services,” she revealed.

Other activities of the celebration include a health walk, a health screening exercise at Dome market, a durbar with the stakeholders, a keep fit exercise at the premises of the clinic and a thanksgiving service.

Located in Taifa Burkina, Taifa Polyclinic was established by the Speaker of Parliament,  Rt. Hon. Prof. Mike Quaye, who was the then MP of the constituency, and aims at providing comprehensive healthcare services to the residents of Taifa and beyond.

By Abigail Owiredu-Boateng & Bridget Tenkoramaa Boateng
