‘Take Interest In Kids’ Education’



MUSLIMS in the Zongo communities in the Sunyani Municipality of Bono Region have been advised to take active interest in the education of their wards, so they can unearth their talents in various disciplines.

The Chief Executive Officer of Suncity FM in Sunyani and an independent parliamentary candidate, Ransford Antwi, gave the advice during the graduation ceremony organised for kindergarten two pupils at the Barhamiya Islamic School in Penkwase, a suburb of the municipality.

Twenty-two kindergarten pupils who had successfully completed their basic education were graduated as they continue to primary one. The pupils exhibited various talents in poetry recital, Islamic recitation, singing and dancing among others to the admiration of their parents, invited guests and dignitaries at the ceremony.

Addressing parents and students, special guest speaker, Ransford Antwi thanked teachers for their efforts in training the students to exhibit talents and skills, noting the foundation of children is crucial for their future development.

He asked the students to respect their teachers, parents and work hard for the future. He urged parents to always care for their wards and guide them in the use of the internet.

“The interest of the child should be first, so when they grow up they become source of pride to parents, family, the community and the country at large,” he pointed out.

Mr. Abdul Aziz, a Sisala Chief and representative of Council of Zongo chiefs, expressed pleasure with the performance of the kids.

FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Sunyani 


