Tanzania Opens Consulate In Accra

Dr. Ken Kwaku


The United Republic of Tanzania has opened a new consulate in Accra to further deepen bilateral trade and corporation between the two countries.

The opening of the new office follows the receipt of the Exequatur of President Akufo-Addo through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration.

The opening of the new consulate will further boost the long history of trade, investment, and Pan-African cooperation between the two countries.

The consulate will be headed by Dr. Ken Kwaku, who has been appointed as the Honorary Consul-General of Tanzania to Ghana. Dr. Kwaku is a successful international civil servant with a long history of ties to both Tanzania and Ghana.

Opening the consulate, Dr. Ken Kwaku said, “it has been long overdue for Tanzania to have a strong diplomatic presence in Ghana. I was honoured to play a key role in opening the Ghana Consulate in Tanzania and today this consulate will be the continuation of that effort all in the name of Pan-African cooperation.”

Dr. Ken Kwaku has a PhD in Political Economy from the University of Toronto, Canada.

He has built a long career in international civil service as a trade advisor, investment promoter, researcher, economic advisor and consultant.

For more than three decades, he worked at the World Bank helping countries navigate complex relations and structures of international trade and investment.

Upon retirement, Dr. Kwaku served as economic advisor to the late former President of Tanzania, Benjamin Mkapa.

Ghana and Tanzania enjoy a cordial relationship dating back to the independence era when our founding leaders were pioneers in the pursuit of African solidarity.

The two countries have maintained this relationship through diplomatic engagements, cultural exchanges and educational programmes.

A Daily Guide Report
