The Gangs At It Again

Albert Kan-Dapaah


The National Security Minister, Albert Kan-Dapaah must be a very busy man now, especially with just four months to the general election.

National security issues must be in the front burner of the Akufo-Addo government and all those who care about the peace, security and stability of Ghana.

And because this matter has become very crucial, the capo of national security should be sleeping with eyes wide awake.

Kan-Dapaah deserves commendation for maintaining the peace and stability of the country over the last seven years as sector minister in a region ravaged by internal strife and terrorist activities in the Sahel region, with some of the countries as our immediate neighbours. The mantra of “see something, say something” is not just to ward off the activities of external criminal gangsters, but internal aggression being masterminded by some faceless people in the name of politics and, especially, for personal gain.

That is why not too long ago, certain elements, mostly allies of the NDC were calling for similar unconstitutional actions by a group of military officers in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger that led to the overthrow of their governments to happen in Ghana.

Leading members of the NDC including Okudzeto Ablakwa even called for the Ghana version of the Kenyan riots. As for the NDC, its leaders have accepted constitutional rule by default, just to satisfy their political ambitions, although they boast of “birthing” the Fourth Republic.

It is for this reason that the NDC has unleashed a corps of liars onto our political space to paint the picture of gloom and doom, and that John Mahama, is the messiah to “reset” Ghana.

Unfortunately, a few of our compatriots who are less discerning have bought into the propaganda that “things are hard” and that the government of President Akufo-Addo should be held liable for our situation.

While the NDC is eager to profit from our difficulties, occasioned also by global challenges, John Mahama is yet to outline any social intervention policy such as free Senior High School (SHS), drone delivery of medical consumables and mobile money interoperability to ameliorate the so-called suffering of the people.

How prophetic was Tony Aidoo when he said that the NDC has skills only to win elections but no vision to design policies for the good of the people. The focus of the NDC is just to court disaffection for the ruling NPP, because boot for boot the noises of the NDC are like those from empty barrels.

Fellow countrymen, we take you back to 2008, when characters like Franklin Fifi Fiavi (Prince) Kwetey led a group of NDC liars to smear then President Kufuor because they could not win the arguments on the campaign platforms.

Fifi Kwetey and his gangs are at it again with their propaganda. That is why they are struggling to find fault with the ‘Agyapadie’ document which the NDC fabricated to paint President Akufo-Addo as greedy and justify the tag they are forcing on him and his family as perpetrators of “state capture.”

We know that the agenda of the NDC is to make the country ungovernable four months to elections, because its leaders lack the capacity to trade ideas on the campaign platform.

The NDC and its allies in the media, academia and civil society have tried to unearth scandals in the NPP government to no avail, hence the smear campaign so that they can find scandals to equal John Mahama’s soiled fingers which in 2016, Samira Bawumia says she saw in the “bus branding, akonfem, Ford Expedition, Gyeeda and SADA.”

We yearn for the “Who is Who” at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) debate between John Mahama and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to settle the competencies of the two Northern political giants.

Ghanaians would also be able to determine who is the liar or the doer of our times as vice president as well as interrogate the stewardship of John Mahama as President.

The characters of the two candidates, if redefined by the IEA, will show clearly to all Ghanaians that one is incompetent, inconsistent and hypocritical while the other is visionary and full of possibilities.