The Political Scammer (2)


Very often, the NDC and John Mahama are fond of telling the people that they have the antidote to the country’s challenges as if they have not been in office before.

The NDC has posted banners and posters all over the place, claiming to have the messianic pair of hands to take Ghanaians to the Promised Land. That is why we find posters in which John Mahama is promising us that December 7, 2024 offers us an opportunity for Ghana’s independence and liberation. The question is, did John Mahama liberate and give us another independence when he was president from 2012 to 2016?

Ghana’s liberation when he was president was over four years of dumsor, lack of chalk in our classrooms, payment of three months salaries to teachers who had taught for over three years, and corruption in all spheres of public life.  And yet, these same people are criss crossing the country, promising us change in the right direction but their policy options look more utopian.

One of their key policy interventions so far is the undefined 24-hour economy including the rearing of lions for export. What that means to us is that the NDC and John Mahama want to turn Ghana into a lion’s den. Perhaps, that is the understanding of their rescue mission to put our lives at risk and indeed not an endeavour to rescue Ghana. The alternative is scary, fellow Ghanaians.

We know that during electioneering the people are promised everything like again John Mahama said “a little bit of lies and a bit of the truth”.  The NDC is bent on leading us astray, after John Mahama blew away the opportunity to “rescue Ghana” when he was made President from 2012 to January 6, 2017. Can anything new and impactful again come from John Mahama?

We urge all Ghanaians to learn from the colossus journalist, Malik Kweku Baako’s admonition to his colleagues to always interrogate the issues well before disseminating news to the people to help them make informed decisions. Some of the journalists who are as confused as the NDC, have unfortunately become the megaphones of John Mahama trumpeting his confused rescue mission agenda.

It is a tragedy that characters like Professor Ransford Gyampo and Lawyer Martin Kpebu have found “home” in the studios of some television stations to make ugly noise about the disorganised and visionless John Mahama and the NDC.

Last Tuesday, Okudzeto Ablakwa and others of same feathers marched through some streets of Accra to protest the sale of some hotels by SSNIT. What is the noise about; is it that the hotels are golden eggs or they have become a burden on the finances of the Trust? Again, was the process transparent or what? Perhaps all that Okudzeto Ablakwa and his NDC people who took to the streets care about is the fact that Bryan Acheampong, a Minister of State with investments in the hospitality industry is acquiring the facilities.

Okudzeto Ablakwa and his NDC hate success. That is why they would latch onto moral issues in the sale of the hotels instead of interrogating the processes whether they were transparent and offered SSNIT value for money. We weep for some of the chiefs of La who joined the demonstration in the belief that the NPP government is offering state assets to one of its own.

We beg our chiefs not to allow politicians to mislead them because the La Palm Beach Hotel sitting on land has become “sleeping giant”. The chiefs of La should be applauding SSNIT for seeking investments to bring the hotel back to life, instead of following people who once offered the opportunity took double salaries.

Today, Okudzeto Ablakwa is crying on rooftops calling on the people to call out President Akufo-Addo for dissipating the public purse. This is the same Okudzeto Ablakwa who in 2012 as a young junior minister claimed GH¢25,000 was stolen from his car at a washing bay near Nima, chartered an aircraft for his wedding in Wa, some of his colleagues travelled abroad a week to study, and NDC MPs who were ministers of state took double salaries. These abuse of privileges and attack on the public purse was not seen by Okudzeto Ablakwa, and even if held at his eyes he would prefer to mislead La chiefs.

Our beef is simple. It is to expose the Goebbelsian liars so that they don’t take us on a venture to be devoured by lions if John Mahama regains power. Ghanaians fear the NDC like vermin and avoid them like the plague whose threat to human existence is equal to the ferocious and blood-sucking lions that is on the agenda of John Mahama’s 24-hour economy.
