The Promise-athon Craze (2)

The Promise-athon Craze (2)

We remind Ghanaians to avoid any mistakes in the choice of the next President of the Republic and that is why we would continue to discharge our professional obligations of informing the people about the competences and pedigree of the candidates seeking our votes to govern us.

Here, we must not exhibit traits of John Mahama’s short memories and make a decision with very dire consequences for us like we experienced under the NDC from 2012 to 2016.

As for us, we have the conviction of our conscience that between John Mahama and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP stands very tall.

While John Mahama is on his ‘promise-athon’, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is engaging the people with ideas and policies that would make Ghana part of the fourth industrial revolution which is anchored on digitilisation.

Besides, between the two candidates, John Mahama had the privilege to sit in the saddle and messed up, while the other, Dr. Bawumia as Vice President rolled out policies that have impacted the lives of the people.

We have another opportunity on December 7, 2024 to make further strides with the bold policies of the Akufo-Addo government such as the free SHS or go for the NDC and its candidate, John Mahama who have demonstrated that they are ‘enemies’ of progress.

We trust in the discernment of Ghanaians and we are very sure that when they enter the polling booths they would cast the ballot for continuity in progress and development in freedom.

John Mahama and the NDC must listen and listen well as we attempt to rescue them from short memories so that they would wake up from day-dreaming that they are the alternative.

Fellow Ghanaians it is said that for lack of knowledge and a retentive memory the people perish. The choices that we make have implications or consequences such as ‘dumsor’, receipt of Ford Expedition by the President, the Airbus scandal, cancellation of teachers and nurses trainees allowances, graduate unemployed association, payment of three months salaries to teachers who have worked for three years, collapsed NHIS and disrespect for journalists by his side, Stan Dogbe.

It is also said by the sages that to be forewarned is to be forearmed and for which reason we alert Ghanaians to be wary of the promises of John Mahama.

The proverbial naked person who promises clothing must be examined if he or she has something on before Ghanaians are tempted to fall for John Mahama’ empty promises.

This is rendered in Akan thus, “S3 kwaterekwa s3 ob3 mawu ntumaa tie ni din.”

We have always held the view that sane voices and role models are in deficit in our society today. If that were not the case John Mahama would not call out the NPP government for the recent flooding in Accra, when he was not able to do anything about it during his four year tenure as Vice President and four years as President. We say so because on June 3, 2015, the worst flood disaster ever to hit the country occurred at the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange during which more than 130 people lost their lives.

The NDC has no alternative to offer the people and that is why they keep highlighting the failures of the government instead of telling the people how, for instance, they will provide employment for the youth and address the high cost of living. We are tired of the rhetorics and if former President John Mahama can guarantee us a far reaching social intervention policy like the free SHS we will guarantee him free copies of our paper for the rest of his life.

Now that the NDC has made it a strategy to blame Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia for the country’s present woes, we serve notice that we will scrutinise the reign of John Mahama and Dr. Bawumia as Vice Presidents. The scrutiny has begun and John Mahama be on notice. As President Akufo-Addo said about John Mahama’s campaign in 2020 that it has fallen into a ditch, his “promise-athon” too is doomed to fail.
