This Too Shall Flop (2)


We are on a mission. If you like call it a sacred duty or mission to help Ghanaians in Election Year 2024 to make informed decisions.

We have no evidence to say that some of our compatriots are in a deep slumber, oblivious of the realities of our times. If that were not so, very discerning Ghanaians across the length and breadth of the country should be carrying brooms to sweep away even the shadows of John Mahama and other NDC leaders so that they do not deceive us again to give them power to take us through another painful dumsor, to kill our livelihoods and comfort at home.

The reality of John Mahama’s reign of 2012 to 2016 is abominable and his return can only cause us pain and misery. Therefore, we invite every Tom, Dick and Harry with voting right to save Ghana from the incompetent hands of John Mahama and his NDC.

Like the Scripture says that God regretted for creating mankind because of our wicked ways, we invite hardships and wrath of the founding fathers, if we make the mistake to vote for John Mahama, who has not been able to tell the people how he plans the rescue us from hardship beyond the 24-hour economy that focuses on the rearing of lions among other initiatives.

The NDC is made up of characters who think about personal gains instead of the national weal. The apostles of probity and accountability, include former ministers of state who while in office travelled every weekend to Europe and America to engage in further studies. Some of those characters are leaders of crusade to accuse Bryan Acheampong of grabbing dying state hotels. If some Ghanaians are asleep, majority of us are wild awake and take generational steps on December 7, 2024 to guarantee continuity in change.

Fellow Ghanaians, again our future is not about an undefined and lame 24-hour economy that we now know includes the rearing of lions, for the purpose that lies in the head of only John Mahama and his cohorts.

Now when one of their own, Dr. William Atta Wusu said the next NDC government will implement the rearing of lions as part of the 24-hour economic policy, John Mahama and the NDC disowned him.

A senior member of the NDC in the Ashanti Region, Atta Wusu, could not have spoken from his imagination but from the briefs received from the party’s Communications Officer or Propaganda Officer, Sammy Gyamfi.

It looks like the straws in the corridors of the NDC are increasing in geometric proportions, hence the tendency of the NDC and its leaders to make every conceivable development a campaign issue.

That is why Sammy Gyamfi has decided to make the so called indecision by Godfred Yeboah Dame, the Attorney General, a campaign issue, claiming Cassiel Ato Forson is being persecuted.

Unfortunately, for the NDC, majority of Ghanaians know that Ato Forson supervised the importation of some ambulances into the country that today are referred to as “adarka to” or “ntontrowa” and for which reason he is facing trial for causing financial loss to the state.

The NDC looks on as a group of ignorant people while Sammy Gyamfi leads them astray because although a lawyer, he does not make any argument based on law, facts and evidence. Sammy Gyamfi despite free advice from the trial judge, that some of the claims by Richard Jakpa are matters for another forum, keeps exhibiting his lack of knowledge of the law.

Many years ago, precisely in the early 1990s, there lived two gentlemen in the country, George Naykene and John Ndebugre, who were involved in a case at the Circuit Court in Accra. George Naykene was a journalist and was being tried for anti-state publications while John Ndebugre was his counsel.

The two decided to do politics with the case because the trial was close to the 1992 elections. Both accused and Lawyer Ndebugre tried to politicise the trial and to demonise the Jerry Rawlings junta at the time. Despite the admonitions of the trial judge to counsel of the accused to deal with the substantive issues, they used the courtroom to advance their political agenda.

In the end, George Naykene was jailed. We advise the NDC to put up a solid defence on behalf of Ato Forson and desist from the treatises, otherwise Ato Forson and Richard Jakpa are candidates for jail.

