Tolon DCE Confirmed

Salifu Saeed with Balchisu Yakubu

Balchisu Yakubu has been approved as the new District Chief Executive (DCE) for Tolon District in the Northern Region. She polled 33 out of a total of 34 votes, representing 97 per cent.

In a speech after her election, Ms Balchisu Yakubu gave the assurance that she would work with all cooperate bodies, traditional authorities and stakeholders in the district for the supreme interest of Tolon.

She indicated further that together with her team, she would not allow petty quarrels to distract her but would work to promote unity in the Tolon District.

Madam Yakubu noted that Tolon was ready for its share of government’s transformational policies such as the ‘One District, One Factory,’ ‘One District, One Million Dollars,’ among others.

The Northern Regional Minister, Salifu Sa-eed, advised Madam Yakubu to take advantage of government’s flagship programmes to bring development to the district. He said more was expected of the new DCE, adding that the opportunity given her is to serve her people and the nation at large.

Mr Sa-eed further admonished Madam Yakubu to be in constant talks  with the chiefs, party executives and the various auxiliary groups in the party as well as the community in finding solutions to their challenges.

Madam Yakubu was grateful to the president for her nomination and pledged to make the best out of the opportunity given her to serve the nation and the people of Tolon.

FROM Eric Kombat, Tolon



