Tony Yeboah Chides Referees

Tony Yeboah

Ex-Black Stars/Eintracht Frankfurt forward Anthony Yeboah has explained why he quit running football, the game that pushed him to the top.

He returned home from abroad after an illustrious career in the German Budesliga and English Premier League to form a lower tier side (Yegoala FC) but folded up midway due to what he described as “frustration” from some referees.

The former Leeds United front man alleged that some of the referees approached him in person for bribe to officiate some of his matches, but he declined.

He said his decision not to yield to the referees’ demands visàvis their quest to frustrate him (Yegoala) compelled him to sell the club.

“But what I realized is that Ghana football when you don’t pay the referees you will not win.They have to come to you and ask you when you are not paying you are going to lose. They tell you directly. It is the fact,” the ex-Okwawu United striker told GTV Sports Plus.

“So I was complaining and complaining. Because I remember one of the matches I think it was against one of the Obuasi teams. The referee was so bad. Officiating was very very bad and I went to the referee and asked do you know me? I’m Tony Yeboah but the way you handled the match is not good.

“He told me so this is your first time of coming into the league? When the person comes to your home it is yours, and when you go to them it is for them,” he disclosed.

Yeboah played alongside the Abedis, Amankwas, Ampeas, Polleys, Johnsons, Prekos, Kuffuors, Armahs and many others.
By Kofi Owusu Aduonum