UCC Alumni Sues School Over Students Rustication


The Atlantic Hall Alumni Association (AHAA) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has sued the management of the school for suspending 22 students.

The group filed an injunction writ at the Cape Coast High Court on Monday, 22 May.

The group in a statement described the suspension of the 22 students who were alleged to have engaged in some disturbances on campus, as illegal and backward.

The 22 students were suspended for their involvement in violent clashes during Atlantic Hall’s week celebration.

The management of the university in a notice on Saturday said: “The following students have, with effect from the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year, been rusticated from the University for the periods indicated against their names for roles played in the disturbances at the Oguaa Hall on Friday, 17 March 2017, during the 2017 Atlantic Hall Week celebrations.”

However, a statement released by AHAA in response to the decision, said: “The leadership of Atlantic Hall Alumni Association (AHAA) is very much saddened by reports that some 21 Mariners, mostly executive and hall week planning committee members, have been rusticated for their alleged involvement in disturbances that occurred at Oguaa Hall in March this year. AHAA is more saddened by the unilateral approach adopted by university management in their resolve to deal with the issue. This approach defeats logic, it’s very backward and very deficient with common sense.

“AHAA in no uncertain terms condemns violence in whichever way they manifest. In fact, we were quick to condemn the riot and call for a full-scale investigation into the disturbance so we find a lasting solution that will deter such occurrences in future. What we did not know was that the university management and the Central Regional Police, in an attempt to cover up their ineffectiveness, wanted to hold the hall leadership [responsible] for their own lapses.

“By this verdict, management has completely absolved itself of blame and has, with the help of a one-sided media, caused us all to believe the students created the mess. But we wish to make known these facts so we can all appreciate the facts and interrogate the issues dispassionately:


1. The Hall Executives prior to the organisation of the Cultural and Heritage Night informed the Dean of Students [that] the programme was exclusive for Atlantic Hall Members and that no other hall from any other university was invited. To buttress this, our Senior Hall Tutor advised the Dean of Students to tighten up security at all the entrances and prevent any group of students from entering the university campus.

2. Atlantic Hall executives prior to the organisation of the hall week had craved the attention of the OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS (ODS) that considering the sheer numbers and expectations of the celebration, they required of that office to beef up security purposely for the event so as to curb any unforeseen disturbances.

3. The ODS accepted the request of the hall executives but charged them an amount of GHC2,000 if they required extra security. The amount was negotiated down by both JCRC and HALL COUNCIL to GHC 1,500 which was duly paid from the account of the JCRC. While we hold firmly that paying for security is no panacea to foment trouble, we expected the police and university security to have provided us with enough security and value for money.”

