Violence In Their DNA (2)

Johnson Asiedu Nketia


While we will continue to support the EC in its work, we think the EC sometimes succumbs easily to pressure from the political parties, especially the NDC.

There is chaos when the NDC shows up at polling centers always thinking even now that the EC is cooking figures for the NPP.

The centers are reduced to war zones when the NDC sights agents of the NPP. We have been wondering why the EC capitulated to pressure from the political parties that their agents are allowed to be present at the venues for the vote transfers.

We urge the EC to work with the law in the exercise of its mandate and ignore the ugly noises from the NDC that has the penchant for violence, giving its revolutionary and bloody antecedents.

There is a phobia in our political space in an election year. Some elements desirous of regaining power have developed a kind of phobia for the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission (EC), the election management body, to the extent that anytime the NDC hears the name of the Chairperson, rigging of elections comes to their minds.

The NDC, its leader, John Mahama and other functionaries think the only way to gain attention is to shout wolf in the midst of sheep. The strategy of the NDC is to create fear and panic to the extent that their supporters go to the polling centers with the mindset to cause mayhem.

The NDC is not interested in playing by the rules, but interested in taking the law into its own hands. That is why while the law is categorical about how to handle disagreements at the registration centers, the NDC and its leaders prefer self-help such as violence and the use of offensive weapons to settle scores at the registration centers and later at the polling booths.

The NDC has refused to heed the advice of the former EC Chairman, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan that the EC cannot rig elections in favour of any political party and yet the NDC has persistently claimed Jean Mensa is in bed with the NPP to rig the December 7 polls.

It does not matter to the NDC whether the NPP has also kicked against the decision of the EC not to allow party agents at the venue where voters can transfer their votes. The political parties must be told that although they are key stakeholders in the electoral process, they have no locus to dictate to the EC and call Jean Mensa names.

The political parties cannot impose their ideas on the EC. Their suggestions are not laws but mere pieces of advice.

The political parties learn rather fast and devise functional ways to remain relevant not forgetting the NDC boycotted the EC but the protest was of very little effect and Johnson Asiedu Nketia and his team had to make a u- turn.

It would be in the interest of the NDC to desist from the 24-hour criticism of Jean Mensa and take the issues to the people who are key in making the choice on December 7.

