Wa Police Stop Smuggled Fertilizer

Intercepted trucks

Police in Wa in the Upper West Region have intercepted 25 articulator trucks loaded with thousands of bags of fertilizer in the area.

In a joint operation, the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) made up of various security services in the region impounded the articulators.

It is alleged that the trucks were smuggling the fertilizers to the neighbouring countries to be sold at a higher price.

The Upper West Regional Minister, Sulemana Alhassan, who confirmed the incident to DAILY GUIDE, said 25 trucks were intercepted in Wa but he was quick to add that it cannot be confirmed that the fertilizers were being smuggled out of the country.

According to the minister, the reason why the trucks are being suspected is that the amount of fertilizers in the trucks is huge for the consumption of the region.

He further said the regional security would go through the documents of the trucks to determine their final destination and whether the trucks have targeted farm groups in order to determine the reason behind the number of fertilizers transported.

The regional minister indicated that the police were investigating the matter and that the final report would determine their next line of action.

Meanwhile, the 25 trucks have been intercepted and parked in Wa, the Upper West regional capital.


From Eric Kombat, Wa
