Why Accra FM’s Bobbie Ansah Was Arrested

The Host of ‘The Citizen Show’ on Accra FM, Kwabena Bobbie Ansah, has been picked up by policemen from the Cantonments Police Station after closed of work, a Police has confirmed.

He was arrested yesterday, February 10, 2022, by the Accra Regional Police Command in connection with an alleged case of publication of false news and offensive conduct.

The police said his arrest became necessary after he turned down several invitations from the Police and others involved in the case to assist with investigation.

Information available to DGN Online indicates that he was arrested in connection with a post he made on his Facebook timeline, in which he claimed that the “current judiciary is corrupt and made up of crooks and criminals led by a corrupt Chief Justice who’s struggling to purge himself of a $5 million thievery allegation”.

Bobbie Ansah a staff of the radio station, which is a subsidiary of the Class Media Group (CMG) was picked up at the entrance of the station shortly after 10pm on Thursday, just when his programme which airs daily had ended.

The police personnel purportedly laid ambush around the premises of the station for the host to end his programme and rounded him up.

Shortly after the arrest, the Producer of the show, Kwame Kwakye, came on air to announce that “Kwabena Bobbie Ansah, the Host of ‘The Citizen Show’ and also a staff of CMG, specifically Accra FM, has just been arrested by unknown policemen. We do not know where they’re stationed, neither do we know where they’re taking Bobbie Ansah. We don’t know what his crime is and which police station he’s been sent to. He was picked up right after ‘The Citizen Show’. He was arrested with a National Security car that had police officers in it without identity.”

He becomes the third journalist to have been arrested in recent times over what is said to be disparaging remarks.

By Vincent Kubi
