Yendi Gets Circuit Court Judge

Chief Justice Anin Yeboah

The Yendi Municipality now has a circuit court judge having been without one for a long time.

The posting of a circuit court judge to the municipality followed appeals from both the King of Dagbon Ya Na Abukari Mahama II and a group, the Concerned Citizens of Yendi for the posting of one to the town.

The posting of the judge was contained in a correspondence from the Judicial Secretary about the direction by the Chief Justice to that effect.

In a letter to the Chief Justice dated January 13, 2021 the Concerned Citizens of Yendi had appealed for the posting of a judge to man the court.

Sequel to the appeal by the Concerned Citizens of Yendi, the Ya Na had in a correspondence dated November 25, 2021 asked the Chief Justice to post a judge to the Yendi municipality, the absence of one having affected dismally the administration of justice.

The posting of a judge to Yendi has been greeted with elation by the citizens of the municipality.

By A.R. Gomda
