Youth Empowerment Is My Area Of Focus- New Chief for Mafi Adidome

Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman V, the newly outdoored ‘Dufia’ of Mafi Adidome in the Central Tongu District of the Volta region, has expressed his readiness to empower the youth to take up challenges that would impact society positively.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) shortly after he was installed as the new ‘Dufia’ of Mafi Adidome, Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman said the talent of the youth needed to be recognised, harnessed and motivated to accelerate development in society.

He demanded a collaborative effort to take the youth through skills acquisition such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and to encourage them to strive for excellence in all aspects of the endeavour, which would facilitate the development of the area.

“Support will also be extended to brilliant but needy youth covering the entire citizenry of Adidome. Youth employment will be a key focus,” he said.

Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman said the provision of sufficient educational opportunities, healthcare and job creation were some of the challenges posed by the increased population and urbanisation, which needed urgent attention in the enclave.

He further said the area would be among the well-resourced towns in Ghana “as we support each other to strive for the achievements that we seek as well as forgive each other in a spirit of genuine reconciliation.”

Before his enstoolment, the Head of Corporate Affairs at the National Information Technology (NITA), is known in private life as Emmanuel James Atiemo Faigbenu.

The 57-year-old public servant and father of four succeeded the late Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman IV and is the oldest son of the late Seth Kwabla Fiagbenu, whose grandfather was Togbe Kwasinyi Agyeman III.
