Zonta District 18 Undertakes Project At Akramaman

Zonta International President elect, Ms Susanne Von Bassewitz, Esther Amoah – President of Accra Club, Anne Marie French Cudjoe – Governor District 18, Margaret Boadi-Aboagye – Past President of Tema, Rachael Baddoo – President II and Sophia Laryea – President Accra Metropolitan

Zonta International District 18 Clubs in Ghana (Accra, Tema, Accra II and Metropolitan), in collaboration with Akramaman CHPS and Infinity970, a not-for profit community mobilization NGO, recently launched a Safe Motherhood Project as part of their Zonta 23rd District 18 Conference in Accra.

The project, dubbed, ‘Zonta Ghana Safe Motherhood Project,’ aims to educate and empower the women in Akramaman in the Ga West Municipality on safe delivery for healthy mother and baby.

Women within the community will receive training in making of birthing kits which was one of the issues discussed during a preliminary visit to the community’s CHPS Compound.

These were revealed by Zonta International President-elect, Susanne Von Bassewitz at a grand durbar in Accra to launch the project, with community members in attendance.

She encouraged the women in the community to take advantage of this opportunity and improve their lives.

The project, to be implemented by Infinity970 from June 2017, will see the official donation and presentation of the items to the community.

Project leaders and champions will be identified within the community and trained by Zonta to become advocates to sustain the project.

Zonta International focuses on women advancement through service and advocacy.

It believes women’s right should be considered as human rights, and that women should be given opportunities that enable them awaken their full potential; access to education, healthcare and enjoy the benefits of all legal and economic assets without disparity, based on gender and additionally live free from all forms of fears in the society.

Zonta Clubs in Ghana believe that through this project, girls within the community would cherish the need to fulfill their dreams, especially by seeking skills development and abstain from early marriage and teenage pregnancy.

This was confirmed in the remarks by Zontian Anne Marie French Cudjoe, Zonta District 18 Governor at the launch ceremony.

She further urged Zontians and their numerous benefactors to ensure that the project makes an impact in the community.


By Samuel Boadi

