Ashanti Goes Wild For Bawumia• Kennedy Joins Campaign

THE popularity of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) flagbearer, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, once again came to bear when he visited the Suame Magazine in Kumasi to campaign yesterday.

A sea of enthusiastic people in the enclave came out in their numbers to welcome the NPP flagbearer, who was clearly impressed about the warm reception that was accorded to him.

The crowd, who were mainly artisans, had left their shops just to show their love and affection for Dr. Bawumia, who has been widely praised for his exceptional performance as the Vice President for almost eight years.

Interestingly, some of the artisans, who were on cloud nine, met Dr. Bawumia’s convoy at the Suame roundabout and followed him to the venue of the meeting, where their colleagues were waiting.

The crowd was heard chanting Dr. Bawumia’s name in a loud voice as the NPP presidential candidate, who was beaming with broad smiles, waved back at them in approval.

In his succinct remarks, Dr. Bawumia stated that his government has better plans for artisans across the country, including the thousands of artisans at the Suame Magazine in Kumasi.

He identified exorbitant duties at the ports on goods including car parts and machines, as the major bane facing artisans and assured that he would put in measures to curb the anomaly.

Dr. Bawumia said his administration would not discriminate against any group of people or professionals in the country, stressing that he would be a father for all if the electorate vote for him.

He urged the electorate to vote massively for him so he would continue the works of President Nana Akufo-Addo, stressing that he is ready to lead the country.

Dr. Bawumia stated that the artisans, just like other Ghanaian professionals, would experience the quality leadership that he would provide.

Top government officials and NPP members like the Energy Minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh aka ‘Napo’, Justin Kodua Frimpong, General Secretary of the NPP, Henry Nana Boakye and others were present at the venue.

Kennedy Joins Campaign

In a related development, Dr. Bawumia’s main challenger during the NPP presidential election, the Assin Central Member of Parliament (MP), Kennedy Agyapong, has joined the party’s campaign team.

There were shouts of joy at the True Vine Hotel in Kumasi when Mr. Agyapong appeared there yesterday.

Dr. Bawumia was addressing herbal medicine practitioners and farmers in the Ashanti Region at the venue when the outspoken Kennedy Agyapong showed up at the venue.

Mr. Agyapong, stated that he has confidence in Dr. Bawumia to take the country to the ‘Promised Land’, and urged electorate to vote for the NPP.

There were earlier concerns that Mr Agyapong, who amassed about 38 percent of valid votes during the NPP presidential election would not campaign for the party.

He once said that he would only campaign for the NPP if Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh aka ‘Napo’, the Energy Minister, is made Dr. Bawumia’s running mate.

Dr. Bawumia has not announced his running mate yet but Mr. Agyapong, surprisingly, appeared in Kumasi to campaign for votes for the NPP presidential candidate.

Mr. Agyapong also descended heavily on the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, “The worst NPP is far better than the best NDC,” adding that he knows Dr. Bawumia very well, and believes he would lead the country well.

Mr. Agyapong said the alternative NDC does not have what it takes to lead the country and admonished the electorate to retain the NPP in power.

The Assin Central MP, who is a businessman, said, “I have decided to campaign for Dr. Bawumia because I know he has better plans to improve businesses and the lives of people.”

Mr. Agyapong said hard work is the best way to win the elections, therefore he entreated the NPP members to do away with complacency and campaign for the NPP.

According to him, the NPP has better plans to improve the lives of the people, especially school-going children.

“When you are going to vote, please think about your children’s future first. The free Senior High School (SHS) policy of the NPP has benefited more youth,” he said.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi