Bawumia’s New Ghana


Every honest Ghanaian concedes that the country is going through challenges. Nonetheless, there is a silver lining in the horizon, but our circumstances require a concerted effort to overcome them. It is also heartwarming that all the economies of the world including the so-called advanced ones are also in the same soup, if not worse.

For political reasons, the naysayers have painted the picture of gloom and doom just to throw dust into the eyes of the people. By our own actions and inactions, we have made living conditions unbearable for majority of the people. Any casual visit to the markets would expose you to the greed and devilish attitudes of the traders.

Even the prices of locally produced food items such as maize, cassava, plantain, yam, vegetables and fruits have shot up through the roofs and the common excuses are high cost transportation and the high prices of farm inputs. As part of the negative propaganda spearheaded by the NDC and its apparatchiks because they lack policy alternatives, have resorted to play on the sentiments and emotions of the people.

The supporters of the NDC are in the markets, trotro stations, on buses and in the communities claiming the government has mismanaged the economy and, therefore, the electorate should vote for them to rescue Ghana. The NDC has nothing new to offer Ghana beyond the stewardship of John Mahama during his presidency and those of his ministers such as Franklin Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, who during his tenure as Minister of Food and Agriculture, the agriculture sector grew in the negative direction.

Another notable character in the John Mahama regime was his Education Minister, Professor Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang, under whose tenure teachers were denied a common teaching material like chalk. She is the person who now doubles as running mate to John Mahama, and upon her advice as Minister of Education, the teacher trainees’ allowance was cancelled and teachers who taught for over three years were paid for only three months.

The apostles of probity and accountability who came together to birth the NDC are the same puritans who looked Ghanaians in the face and paid themselves double salaries with the acquiescence of John Mahama. Ghanaians deserve a better leadership in 2025 but not from the NDC School of stubborn academy. The well meaning Ghanaians are calling on the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to take up the leadership of the country.

Certainly, a new Ghana beckons under Dr. Bawumia, whose stellar qualities has been recognised by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. He noted that Dr. Bawumia has not changed over the years, and admonished him to keep his humility. He assured that he would continue to pray for him till the election day.

The Asantehene also advised him to acknowledge his government’s shortcomings during his engagements with the people. The outpouring of love and support showered on Dr. Bawumia during his nationwide tour has sent shockwaves into the ranks of the NDC, making John Mahama pale into insignificance. The campaign to be voted for is not a tea party. The messages of the candidates must resonate with the people.

One such policy that Dr. Bawumia has promised the people he would implement when given the mandate is how to equalise our duties at our ports to that of the Republic of Togo. What the Vice President is talking about is for Ghana to operate a free port system so that there will be no incentives for importers to divert their goods to Togo.

This policy has excited the busy community, especially the importers who await the presidency of Dr. Bawumia with high expectations. The digital man’s pledge to introduce reference bureau to facilitate the use of credit cards like in Europe and America has excited many Ghanaians, especially the youth who want to own many household items but cannot afford because of the lack of trust between consumers and the business community.

I am certain that Dr. Bawumia’s new Ghana has appeared in the horizon waiting patiently for Ghanaians to welcome him into the saddle on January 7, 2025. The NDC is confused by the scientific way by which Dr. Bawumia is conducting the campaign. The level of confusion can be seen in the claim by the NDC’s General Secretary, Fifi Kwetey that Dr. Bawumia has stolen the party’s plan to reach out to the people.

But let me ask Fifi Kwetey whether the EC has devised any form guide for electioneering. The NDC is in a state of disarray, unable to outwit the NPP in this year’s electioneering. Dr. Bawumia, please give us the new Ghana that we have been yearning for. Dr. Bawumia, we cannot afford to lose the golden age of governance, development and business that beckons us all.

Crazy acts by doctors of Winneba

Ghanaians who watched the television last Wednesday were shocked by the spectacle of a woman allegedly dumped in the bush near Ojobi in Central Region by doctors and other health workers of the Winneba Trauma Government Hospital. According the reports, the doctors, unable to accommodate the rising medical bill of the woman said to have been involved in accident, dumped her in the bush.

The health workers claimed the records of the woman at the hospital indicated that she hails from Ojobi and because they could not trace her relations, they dumped her there. Really? In this day and age, is this barbaric and wicked action of the Health Superintendent of the hospital, the only option available to the hospital?

I am very outraged and scandalised by the action of the doctor who must have taken the Hippocratic Oath to save lives on his induction into the medical profession. This is a job for the Minister of Health, the hardworking, Dr. Okoe-Boye to take up and deal decisively with those health workers so that other health workers in other health facilities do not expose Ghana to international ridicule and opprobrium.

And the question is: did the hospital not seek advice from the social welfare officer attached to the hospital to access the interventions prescribed for indigents?

Oyerapa TV

It beats my imagination and common sense that the regulators, the National Media Commission (NMC) and the National Communications Authority (NCA) look on in loud silence while a lady known as Auntie Naa by viewers has turned the studios of the network into a court where she sits on cases and pronounces people guilty with sanctions.

Where she derives such powers, only the NCA and the NMC can offer some explanations. To be brutally frank, the NMC and the NCA are failing in their constitutional mandate to sanitise the airwaves and the entire media space including the social media. The NCA takes pride in allocating the spectrum for fees while the NMC is delighted to insulate the state owned media against governmental control but to the purge the media space of the toxic and hate speech that threatens the peace, security and stability of the country.

My worry is that if these two bodies are in a slumber, what about the gender activists and child rights groups who look on helplessly while Auntie Naa exposes the faces of children on the television screens for the wrong reason. It may be that a section of the public has lost trust in the justice system hence their reliance on the media for justice. But such media houses are over stepping their bounds as their actions are not protected by any legislation in the country.

In the name of God let the NMC under the Chairmanship of Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafoh, one of the finest media personalities and Joe Anokye, boss of the NCA, and one of the brilliant IT professional acts now, to ensure that media practitioners do not cross the red line.
