7 Firefighters Injured In Vehicular Accident


In a distressing turn of events, seven firefighters are currently recuperating at St. Dominic Catholic Hospital in Akwatia and the Kade Government Hospital following a harrowing vehicular accident that unfolded at Adankrono as they rushed to respond to an emergency at Otwenkwanta.

The fire department was prompted into action after receiving an urgent call at around 08:37 hours on Sunday morning concerning a fuel tanker accident on the road at Otwenkwanta.

Swiftly responding to the summons, the team embarked on their mission at 08:38 hrs, only to be met with misfortune while navigating a curve near the Gaso filling station, resulting in a devastating accident involving their fire engine.

The exact cause behind the alarming incident remains unknown, although preliminary probes have underscored a probable steering lock malfunction.
Tragically, eight individuals were onboard the fire engine bearing registration number FS 438 when the calamity struck, with one managing to emerge unscathed.

Following the event, five team members were swiftly conveyed to St. Dominic Hospital in Akwatia for urgent medical attention, whereas the driver and the duty officer were promptly taken to the Kade Government Hospital to receive necessary care.

In light of this disheartening episode, Eastern Regional Fire Service Commander, ACFO Jennifer Naa Yarley Quaye, took proactive steps by visiting the hospitals where the injured personnel were being treated and also inspecting the accident site to reassure concerned parties.

Confirming the condition of the affected firefighters, ACFO Quaye provided reassurance that all individuals are currently in stable states and positively responding to the medical care they are receiving.


By Vincent Kubi