Cement Manufacturers Raise Alarm

The Cement Manufacturers Association of Ghana (CMAG) has raised concerns about a vessel – Global Legend – currently anchored at Tema that is carrying about 37,000 tons of bagged cement from China and consigned to Fujian Cement Company Limited, Tema.

A letter dated 6th October, 2016 and jointly signed by Dr George Dawson Ahmoah, Chairman and Nandagopal Venkatesh, Vice chairman and sent to the Commissioner of the Ghana Revenue Authority (Customs Division), has called for the consignment and all others to be thoroughly investigated before clearance.

Copied to the Chief of Staff, Speaker of Parliament, National Security Coordinator and some 17 other government agencies and private organizations, it stated that a Legislative Instrument covering cement imports and exports regulations matured on 1st August, 2016, and requires laid-down procedures to allow any importer of cement to apply and possess an import licence.”

The cement manufacturers said a letter dated 5th September, 2016 from the Office of the Chief of Staff had confirmed their suspicion.

It stated that the well-framed 16-page Legislative Instrument requires a special monitoring committee to play a significant function in arriving at the issuance of any import licence, adding that “as a member of that committee, we don’t remember executing that function.”

“To the best of our knowledge, a licence issued to cover any importation of cement after the maturity of the LI 2240 is questionable.  In the interest of the country and to ensure fairness in the cement competition, we will require that you investigate the licence authorizing importation. The LI states that a licence and not a permit.”

Additionally, it said in order to protect the integrity of buildings and structures in Ghana, it must also be verified if the international standard procedures which required a 28-day test certificate for cement products had been produced for clearance.

A business desk report
