SC To Give Ruling On ‘Special Voting Results’ Suit Today

Ghanaians casting their ballots during special voting

The Supreme Court will today rule on the suit challenging the delayed declaration of special voting results by the electoral commission.

NPP elder Dr. Amoako Tuffour, Ben Arthur and Adreba Abrefa Damoa are praying the apex court to compel the election management body to declare the results of early voting by journalists, security agencies and selected individuals the very day they vote, and not wait until the entire elections are done.

According to them, delaying the results, as has been done in the past, is in breach of the constitution and must not be allowed to continue.

The plaintiffs are asking “ a true and proper interpretation of Article 49 of the Constitution and Section 13 of the Representation of the People Law, 1992? PNDCL 284? the ballots to be cast pursuant to Regulation 23(1),(2),(3)(,(4),(5),(6),(7),(8)(9) and (10) of the Public Elections Regulations, 2016; CI.94 by special voters in the December 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections ought to be counted and announced there and then on the date(s) of the special voting? by the Presiding Officers and the results at each polling station? before communicating same to the Returning Officer”.
They are also asking the court to instruct the EC to “comply with the provisions of Article 49(2),(3)(a) and (b) of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992 and Section 13 of the Representation of the People Law, 1992; PNDCL 284 in respect of special voting for the 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections and any subsequent public election in the Republic of Ghana.”

Special voting is held for selected groups and individuals whose responsibilities will make it difficult for them to join the queue and vote on election day such as journalists, security personnel and observers.

