‘Brush Twice Daily’

An instructor leading participants in the aerobics

Staff of Unilever on Saturday embarked on a brisk health walk exercise as part of activities to mark this year’s World Oral Health Day.

The 12 km walk amid brass band music started from the Ayi Mensah Police Station near Oyarifa to the hilly Peduase Lodge in Aburi.

Characteristically, the walk sponsored by Pepsodent was crowned by an aerobics session led by a gym instructor which the walkers participated in fully.

Head of Corporate, Unilever Ghana Limited, Henry Herbert Malm in a post-exercise interview said, “It is a global campaign in which we are joining the rest of the world, to highlight the need for good oral health. We want people to be aware of what it takes to have good oral education.”

“The theme for the campaign is ‘Live Mouth Smart,’ that is brush your teeth twice daily by using paste that has fluoride, like Pepsodent.”

Responding to the need for the campaign, he added that “Good oral health boosts your confidence, we believe it’s a behavioral thing so we want to get it right with the kids, we want to have a face to face interaction with 25 million children by 2020. So far, we have done about 8 million kids.”

“We have declared this week an oral health week; at the  Accra Mall, we would be doing some screening and  crown it with a grand durbar on Monday  at the Trade Fair where we will engage all the stakeholders-Ghana Dental Association , churches, chiefs etc we have realized majority of Ghanaians have oral health challenges.”

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is an international day, celebrated every year across the globe to amplify the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health.


 From Kofi Owusu Aduonum, Aburi

