13 Delta Force Members’ Case Adjourned Again To May 18

The Kumasi Circuit Court hearing the case involving the 13 members of the New Patriotic Party-affiliated vigilante group, Delta Force, has adjourned the case again to May 18, 2017.

The Prosecutor for the case, ACP Okyere Darko, requested for the adjournment today [Thursday], because according to him, the Attorney General has called for the docket.

The 13 stormed the office of the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator and allegedly assaulted him in the process.

They subsequently escaped from a Kumasi Circuit Court’s custody after some of their members sparked confusion when they were arraigned and charged with conspiracy to assault a public officer and causing unlawful damage.

Though the 13 hold little goodwill in the public eye, a lawyer for the defendants, Matthew Appiah, said he was optimistic his clients will be set free because the Police lack the facts to back the claims on the charge sheet.

“We were ready to have the matter started, but because the Attorney General’s department has called for the docket, we will have to wait and exercise patience till we hear what the Attorney General’s department is going to say.”

“Police do not have any evidence to support this charge. That is our contention. We have listened to our clients and we know the facts as presented by the police. We think that the police will not be able to secure a conviction in respect of these charges,” he said to Citi News.

Their lawyer added that, the fact that his clients were alleged to have stormed the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinating Council, does not mean they assaulted the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator.

“The fact that they went there does not mean that they committed the offence that has been stated on the charge sheet.

The fact that so many people go to a place and pandemonium ensues does not mean you arrest some people and bring them to court. You must specifically prove a charge against the person,” Mr. Appiah explained.

The thirteen suspects have already been fined Ghc2,400 each, and made to sign a bond of good behaviour for escaping lawful custody.

Meanwhile, eight (8) of their members who raided the court to aid their escape, have also been granted bail pending a full trial.

