Ghana Rugby Elevated

Abdelaziz Bougja

Ghana Rugby, under Presidency of Herbert Mensah, achieved two remarkable victories in two days by first winning the Rugby Africa Regional Challenge Group West 1 on Sunday.

Thereafter, the Council of World Rugby has appointed the Federation as Full Member of World Rugby.

A letter from the President of Rugby Afrique, Abdelaziz Bougja, to Ghana’s Rugby boss Herbert Mensah read “It gives me great pleasure to confirm that World Rugby’s Council has unanimously voted in favour of Ghana Rugby Union’s application to become a full member union of World Rugby.

“ From my side, I presented an assessment of the development of the union which was very well received.”

The letter added that “I would like to congratulate you and your Board as well as the employees and volunteers of Ghana Rugby Union for a tremendous job and remarkable achievements in a short space of time.

“This affiliation to World Rugby is a milestone in the development of rugby in Ghana and we at Rugby Africa remain committed to support Ghana Rugby.”

“Allow me take this opportunity to thank you for a very well run Regional Challenge tournament in Accra and to congratulate your team for their victory.”

Responding to the appointment from his UK base, Herbert Mensah indicated that Ghana Rugby indeed worked extremely hard in a very short space of time to be honoured with this appointment.

“We are thankful to the President of Rugby Afrique, Abdelaziz Bougja, and his team with specific reference to the General Manager Mrs Coralie van den Berg and Regional Development Officer Charles Yapo for their support and guidance to reach this milestone,” Mensah said.

With the appointment, Ghana became the 18th country in Africa to achieve full membership of World Rugby.

Full Membership of World Rugby has distinctive benefits for a country as that not only gives the Union access to development grants, but it also paves the way in the quest to achieve the ultimate goal of playing in a Rugby World Cup tournament.

“Although this fantastic achievement gives much reason for celebration, I have informed my administration that they must keep the party short as the real work only starts now,” Mensah added.

From The Sports Desk

