Christians Must Fear God And Hate Evil—Prophet Bernard Afresa Taylor

Prophet Bernard Afresa Taylor

Prophet Bernard Afresa Taylor, General Overseer of Destiny House Chapel, has advised Christians to acknowledge God as their creator, saviour and Lord.

According to the respected preacher, believers must give their life to God and live it out of reverence to Him and be saved from condemnation.

“As Christians we must fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water,” he added.

Preaching to his congregation at Bastoona, Accra Wednesday on the theme: “Keys To Access The Deliverance Capacity of God,” Prophet Afresa Taylor said Christians would climb the ladder of blessing and overcome challenges, if they depart from sin and avoid the fear of the enemy.

Citing examples to buttress his point, he added: “David fought 66 battles and lost none, he fought Goliath and the Malakais, Job overcame his challenges after experiencing serious hardships. All these individuals succeeded because they obeyed God and never feared their enemies.”

He said for Jesus to take care of the physical needs of Christians, they must shun fear.

“For God to do anything in your life, you have got to get rid of fear. … Fear is what the devil threatens you he is going to do to you. For some of you, you are afraid of what is going to happen to you in your life. You are afraid of your future, you are afraid of your marriage, you are afraid of your business, you are afraid of your health. God sent me as His servant today to tell you: ‘Fear not’”.

Prophet Afresa Taylor adds that Christians must not give up in life irrespective of the challenges they are confronted with, adding that “Giving up on your life could lead to depression and depression is a serious killer”.

While urging his congregants to pray without ceasing, Prophet Afresa Taylor also admonished them to be careful with their utterances since many of the marine agents could be living with them.

